Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality

What Even Is Doonesbury, Anyway?

In an attempt to get into Britta's pants, Duncan goes to a charity show and the rest of the group tags along, with the exception of Abed who ruins some duck drawings (and publishers were interested). Plus, Chang does a one man show to ghosts apparently.

Meanwhile we're talking about nudist colonies, watches, and the funny papers.

Ben shills for Casio. Mike sends a poorly timed comic.

App Development and Condiments

The Koog Approves

A company of nerds wants to beta test a new social media app at Greendale, and by day 8, the world is already a dystopian nightmare. Conveniently, this episode lines up with CURRENT WORLD EVENTS. So that's fun.

Ben becomes Brawnathan the Barbarian. Mike tries to buy Twitter.

Weird: the Al Yankovic Story

Believe it or Not, This Was Ben's Idea

We take a Community break to talk about Weird: the Al Yankovic Story.

Ben is looking for the Yankovic Bump. Mike takes on a drug cartel.

VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing

Complicated Board Game Rules

Annie and Abed play a 1993 VCR game in order to decide who the new roommate in apartment 303. Jeff, Shirley, and Hickey try to sell some stolen books. And Dean Pelton? Well. He goes on a tear.

Meanwhile we're talking about board games, VCR games, and FMV games. We also get a financial offer we can't refuse.

Ben makes goes on a board game rant. Mike finally gets the Payday joke.

Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

The Legend of Dick Warlock

We're playing more Dungeons & Dragons but this time it's all about Hickey reconnecting with his estranged son. And his son is the one and only David Cross.

We're also talking about eye patches, our own D&D experiences, and a new Indiana Jones movie?

Ben gets his first role in a movie. Mike creates his first D&D Warlock.

G.I. Jeff

Matt Damon is not in This Episode

Jeff winds up in the hospital and has a hallucination about G.I. Joe (GO JOE!). That's it. That's the point of the episode. That and the idea that getting old kinda sucks. Boy howdy it does. GO JOBRA.

Also we talk about regional pizzas, regional foods, and uh... some talk about what actors are or are not in certain movies.

Ben Britta's it. Mike looks up 90s toys on eBay.

Basic Story

You Gotta Label Your Elktorp

We're back! Just in time for Greendale to be saved and thus sold to a sandwich restaurant. Eat fresh! Or don't.

Ben shakes hands with Richard Nixon. Mike decides to remove his pants and have a good cry.

Basic Sandwich

You Can't Kill Emotion with a Pickle Magnet

We're closing out season 5 by trying to get back the school from the vile clutches of Subway (eat fresh!)

Jeff and Britta are getting married, or not. Annie has feelings about that, or not. Abed makes some meta quips about being meta. Also, Richie THOUGHT JACKS EVERYBODY. You know there is gonna be a hang glider.

Meanwhile we make some painful decisions thanks to the opening bit, and we're forced to cold boot the mainframe.

Ben chooses to live in darkness. Mike eyes a Mac Pro.

Good Morning Greendale Nights: Again!

The Grilled Cheese Episode

It's the final season break as we prep up for season 6. We talk about grilled cheese, bidets, video games, more video games, and what we expect in season 6!

Ben starts a fight with Babish. Mike becomes a Bidetman.


With an Apology Montage to Gritty

We're back for our YAHOO SCREEN ERA!!! The study group is back, too, (with the exception of Shirley, who spun off). New member Frankie shows up to be a no-nonsense go-getter with a nondescript binder. The rest of the study group decides that want nonsense and very descript binders. Heads are butted and secret bars are built.

Meanwhile, we talk way too much about Gritty yet again. Gritty, come join our podcast. We promise it won't be weird. We also talk about pizza, because of course we do.

Ben gets hooked off stage. Mike is hot and ready.

Ben Mooney and Mike Snider